17 Things Developers Need to Know About Databases
This presentation addresses common issues in database use, focusing on best practices for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. Learn key concepts like schema design, query execution, indexing, and scalability to improve application performance, security, and efficiency. Gain the knowledge to optimize database operations and elevate your development practices.
Despite their widespread use, many applications suffer from inefficient database use, leading to poor performance, increased downtime, and heightened security risks. This presentation aims to address these challenges by introducing foundational best practices that every developer should know for working with databases. Focusing on the most popular open-source databases - MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB - we will explore crucial concepts and techniques that can significantly improve how your applications interact with databases. From understanding schema design and query execution to mastering indexing and scalability, this session will provide you with the knowledge you need to enhance your database operations and ensure your applications are robust, secure, and efficient. Join us to transform your approach to database management and elevate your development practices.